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Membership Meetings: Open to the public
12 - 1 PM

2nd Thursday of Each Month 
Rainier Eagles #4022, 109 W. A Street, Rainier, OR


Rainier Chamber of Commerce
Connecting, Promoting & Advocating 

The Rainier Chamber of Commerce is a membership-driven organization, a 501(c)6.  The chamber connects, promotes and advocates for the Rainier business community and connects the citizens in Rainier Area to local businesses and resources. 

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Joining the Rainier Chamber of Commerce has many benefits such as networking and creating connections in the business community, business advocacy to act as a voice of one, aligning your business with a professional organization, and leadership opportunities.  Rainier has a mix of retail, professional services and industrial business.



Visitors are encouraged to attend a chamber meeting with guest speakers concentrating their talk through an economic development lens in the Rainier area.  Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month 12-1 PM at theRainier Eagles #4022, 109 W. A St., Rainier OR. Support a local business and order lunch upon arrival at the bar from our Chamber Menu.



Follow our Facebook page to stay up to date on events. For questions, email

Photo by Bill Cowley
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