Membership Meetings: Open to the public
12 - 1 PM
2nd Thursday of Each Month
Rainier Eagles #4022, 109 W. A Street, Rainier, OR

Joining the Rainier Chamber of Commerce has many benefits such as networking and creating connections in the business community, business advocacy to act as a voice of one, aligning your business with a professional organization, and leadership opportunities. Rainier has a mix of retail, professional services and industrial business.
Visitors are encouraged to attend a chamber meeting with guest speakers concentrating their talk through an economic development lens in the Rainier area. Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month 12-1 PM at theRainier Eagles #4022, 109 W. A St., Rainier OR. Support a local business and order lunch upon arrival at the bar from our Chamber Menu.
Follow our Facebook page to stay up to date on events. For questions, email rainierchamberofcommerce@gmail.com.